Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Holy crap.

Dr. Lewin e-mailed me some photos she took during yesterday's procedure. I don't care how faggy it makes me sound, I cried like a little girl when I saw them. All this time, all this energy, and I never ever dared imagine how beautiful his ear would be. This is so much better than even my wildest dreams.
We had a low-key day site-seeing and checking out the tar pits today. His appetite is coming back. He is finding his level, but he's still moving pretty slowly. Playing DS right now. He looks like Curtis Sliwa with the red skull cap -- slightly fattened over his right ear because of the protective cup, which makes it look more like a red beret. Drainage pouches pinned to the back of his shirt look like poly angel's wings.
Tomorrow at 11 Ethan will have his drainage tubes removed.
Though I doubt anything could make him look less like an angel.

"Sure enough this morning came unto me silver wings silhouetted against the child's sunrise." -- Jimi Hendrix


  1. That is a beautiful sight. A beautiful sight indeed.

  2. You made me cry too! Beautiful!!!!

  3. Oh, that is a beautiful ear, indeed. What a kid.

  4. It looks awesome!!!! You and Sandi must be over the moon. I am so excited for you all!

  5. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. My daughter has microtia and I can breathe in some hope from your son's beautiful ear!


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